Two weeks ago, I began my "Winter 2010 University Speaking Engagements" in the US Heartland: Kansas! I was invited to speak to the fabulous students of Kansas State University (home of the Wildcats!) located in Manhattan, Kansas.

It brings new meaning to Front Door Service! Students from K-State were there to greet me and they proceeded to take me to my hotel. En route, I spotted something that could not be dismissed:
I finally made it to the University's Campus and got ready for the evenings fashion festivities, entitled K-State Project Runway all organized by the great UPC/Union Program Council. The night would involve a special speaking engagement by yours truly, plus a great Eco Fashion Show featuring designs from Kansas State University Students.
Then the K-State "Eco Fashion" Contest began: Students from the Fashion Merchandising Major--as well some Architecture students--Undergraduate and Graduate, were given four hours to create Eco-friendly designs using materials such as paper, duck tape, markers, magazines, aluminum cans, etc. Each student showed their finished designs to a capacity-filled theater and to a panel of judges--including me! Yes, the entire show was done like a Project Runway Episode. I played the part of Heidi Klum (I was NOT Michael Kors, thank you very much!).
After much deliberation, we all agreed on the winner. The student had created a one-shoulder cocktail dress, entirely out of paper folding it and pleating it in ingenious ways. It was very Alexander McQueen and we all loved it.
Afterward, I posed for lots of photos and signed lots of "Posters" of the event! It is safe to say--by the reaction of the students, the designers and all the attendees--that it was a VERY successful K-State Project Runway. And I was more than happy to be part of it!
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