photo courtesy of FIDM
Last week, as you may remember, I was invited to the 18Th Annual Art of Motion Picture Costume Design Exhibition at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising Museum and Galleries in FIDM's Downtown Campus.
One highlight--besides seeing all the glorious costumes, meeting the costume designers and mingling with friends--was also an encounter I had as I was about to leave: Two handsome men wearing all black, approached me saying what big fans they were of me and Project Runway and if I would oblige them with a photo.
Then, one of them said "Thank You" and I almost fell on the floor: I recognized his voice as John Rabe, one of my favorite on-air radio personalities from one of the only radio stations I listen to in LA: KPCC 89.3. He hosts a show called "Off Ramp" which I listen to religiously. I never knew what he looked like and now, there he was, posing next to me! I truly had an "LA Moment". And now, he even wrote about it on his blog as well! Thanks for the mention John!
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